Tuesday, April 21, 2009

FACTBOX-EU steps up pace on financial regulation

The EU's executive has been making more proposals for financial regulation reform to make markets safer for investors. And it goes into how the US is taking simular steps as part of our global effort of developing 3rd world countries.

I think that Europe is very smart with their proposals for financial regulation. There a step ahead of us right now but at least were catching up. With our unsatble economy as it as. We need a safer market for our investors.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Almost Half of French Approve of Locking Up Bosses

The article talks about the "bossnappings" that are taking place in parts of France. People are kiddnapping their bosses over the layoffs during this bad economic time. Not only this but when the labor force is being questioned about if those acts are acceptable on average 41% said they were.

My Opinion
If asked if I approved of the "bossnappings", I would say no. Kidnapping anyone is a crime and they should be arrested at least fired. The only way to get back at your boss is to become your boss.