Tuesday, May 5, 2009

U.S. Dollar in Decline

The article starts off talking about how in 2004, when the gdp was up, economists were were encouraged by the path our economy was on. Then they became increasingly nervous because they noticed the falling of the U.S. dollar, in 2005 the dollar went to historic lows. Economists blame this on what they call the "twin deficits", which is the U.S. budget deficit and the U.S. trade gap. Some believe there is no danger around the corner for us, but other say its gonna cause serious economic stability.
Well, this article is a real ee opener. And since i'm not an economist I don't really have a game plan for our problems. But I do believe we need to pick up the strength of U.S. dollar through programs that our aiding to our budget and trade gap deficits. And I think the economists that think there is no danger lurking, they need to wake up and figure it out. Cause theres obviously a problem somewhere in our economy. I dont want to grow up and be enslaved to China cause of our debt, and I still want t obe able to trade with Europe which isn't going to happen unless the value of our dollar rises.